The Need
A function to manage the fowarding address for an Exchange 2010. The function needs to be easily used in PowerShell Web Access (PSWA).
The Function
I build this function :
Connect a remote session to the Exchange 2010 server.
Enable or disable the Forwarding address to. Enable or not the option Deliver to both
forwarding address and mailbox.
This cmdlet need to have access to the cmdlet of Exchange.
Its script to be used with Exchange 2010.
Version 1.0
Script by Jeremie Lauzier - Network Administrator, 2015-06-03
Forward all email from Bruce Wayne to Clark Kent. No copies sent to Bruce Wayne.
Set-XXXEmailTransfert -accountmodify wayneb -forwardTo kentc -copyboth False
Forward all email from Bruce Wayne to Clark Kent. Copies sent to both.
Set-XXXEmailTransfert -accountmodify wayneb -forwardTo kentc -copyboth True
Disable the forward from Bruce Wayne to Clark Kent.
Set-XXXEmailTransfert -accountmodify wayneb -forwardTo $null -copyboth False
function Set-XXXEmailTransfert
# Define the account to modify
HelpMessage="Enter the account to modify.")]
# Define the account who will receive emails
HelpMessage="Enter account will received emails.")]
# Send copy to both
HelpMessage="Enable or not if emails delevry to both.")]
[ValidateSet("True", "False")]
$exchsession=New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://yourserver/powershell
Import-PSSession $exchsession -AllowClobber
{if ($copyboth -eq "True")
Set-Mailbox $accountmodify -ForwardingAddress $forwardTo -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $true
Set-Mailbox $accountmodify -ForwardingAddress $forwardTo -DeliverToMailboxAndForward $false
Get-Mailbox $accountmodify | Format-Table Name, ForwardingAddress, DeliverToMailboxAndForward -Wrap
Remove-PSSession $exchsession
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